Beurre Blanc, a "Pays de Loire" classic sauce

The renowned Pays de la Loire Beurre Blanc Sauce originate from Nantes.
This delicate "white butter" sauce based on butter, crushed shallots and wine vinegar rapidly became a classic on every honourable “Pays de la Loire” table. Perfect with pike, turbot, salmon or scallops, Beurre Blanc - also known as Beurre Nantais is indeed a gem of the Pays de la Loire gastronomy. According to the legend, a chef named Clémence Lefeuvre was making béarnaise sauce but forgot to add the egg yolks. Made out from a reduction of vinegar - or white wine - and shallots, Beurre Blanc's secret lies in blending the (cold) butter off the heat. Some gourmets (like us) add heavy cream as a stabilizing agent now called “ Contemporary Beurre Blanc”.

Our version of “Contemporary Beurre Blanc”

80ml white wine
30ml  Dry white Vermouth
10ml white wine vinegar\
½  shallot, peeled and minced
TT  Salt and pepper
1 pinch coriander, ground
1 pinch star anise, ground
1 pinch fennel seeds, ground
80ml cream
2 tbsp butter
½ tsp tarragon, dry

1.   Combine the white wine, Vermouth, white wine vinegar, shallot, tarragon and all spices in a small saucepan. Reduce the liquid by ½.
2.   Add the cream and reduce gently by 1/3.
3.  Over very low heat (or away from the heat), whisk in the butter. Do not boil.
4.  Set aside and keep warm until needed.